
Feb. 26 1947, Born in Shanghai, China
1969 Graduated from Fu-Shing Commerce & Industry High School, Taipei, Taiwan
1978 Graduated from La Escuela Superior de Bellas Artes de San Fernando de Madrio, Spain
1981 Returned to Taiwan now live in Taipei

Solo Exhibitions

1983 “A Meeting of Mind and Material” Spring Gallery, Taipei
1983 San-Chai Gallery, Taichung
1985 “Temptation After Meeting by Chance” Spring Gallery, Taipei
1985 Ming-Men Gallery, Taichung
1989 “A Tree, A Stone, and A Piece of Cloud” Sala Alta Gallery, Kuenca, Spain
1990 “The Space Between Body and Soul” Taipei Fine Arts Museum
1990 “ A Tree, A Stone, and A Piece of Cloud” Doors Art Space, Kaohsiung
1991 “The Frontier” UP Art Gallery, Kaohsiung
1993 “Love Never Dies” IT Park Gallery, Taipei
1995 “Name and Warehouse” Bamboo Curtain Studio and Nomad Museum
1997 “Solo Exhibition” Galerie Pierre, Taichung
1997 “You are the Beautiful Flower” IT Park Gallery, Taipei
1998 “Solo Exhibition” Center For the Humanities and Arts Yuan Ze University, Nei-Li, Taiwan
1999 “On Line” Cherng Piin Gallery, Taipei
2001 “I am Sorry” IT Park, Taipei
2001 “Spinning Round and Round” None Theme Park, Tainan, Taiwan
2004 “I see, I seek” Warehouse 20, Taichung, Taiwan
2005 “The Spectacular Snore” IT Park, Taipei
2008 “I Hate Takashi Murakami” IT Park, Taipei
2010 “Art from the Underground” Taipei Fine Arts Museum
2010 “Estranged Rhythm” Main Trend Gallery, Taipei
2011 “Gleamingly Gleaming” Yeh Rong Jai Culture & Art Foundation, Hsinchu
2012 “Drifting Towards An End" Kuandu Museum of Fine Arts, Taipei
2012 “One of 7,034,071,329,” Inart Space, Tainan
2012 “Ma Yuan at A Corner” Main Trend Gallery, Taipei

2013 “Der Turm der Leuchtenden Sterne”, Apartment of Art, Munich, Germany

International Group Exhibition:

1979 “Three-Man Exhibition,” Rincon de Arte Gallery, Madrid, Spain
1979 “Three-Man Exhibition,” Busgan Gallery, Spain
1979 Group Exhibition of Chinese Artists in Europe, Kienlong Gallery, Brussels, Belgium
1980 “Two-Man Exhibition,” Sala de Exposiciones de La Delegacion Provicial de Turismo Santander, Spain
1986 “The Invitational Exhibition from the International Modern Arts Association Japan,” Yokohama, Japan
1987 “Chinese Contemporary Paintings,” National Museum of Contemporary in Korea
1989 “Message from Taipei,” Hara Museum of Contemporary Art, Japan
1994 “Taiwan Contemporary Art Exhibition” Portside Gallery, Yokohama, Japan
1994 “Taipei Modern Art Exhibition” The National Gallery, Bangkok, Thailand
1995 “Taiwan Contemporary Art Exhibition” Australia
1997 “Segmentation-Multiplication three Taiwanese Artists” 47th International Biennial of Visual Arts, Venice, Italy
1999 “Inside Out” New Chinese Art, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art and
Asia Society Galleries, New York
2000 “Playing the Game of Word, Icon, and Meaning” University Buffalo Art Gallery, U.S.A
2002 “Contemporary Art Exhibition, Old Ladies’ House,” Macau
2002 “Chinese Ink Tree” Cambio Constante III, Monasterio de Veruela, Zaragoza, Spain
2002 “PAUSE,” Gwangju Biennale 2002, Gwangju, Korea

2011 “Dual Senses and Dynamic Views—Contemporary Art Exhibition Across theTaiwan Straits of 2011,” National Art Museum of China, Beijing, China

Domestic Group Exhibition:

1979 “Contemporary Overseas Chinese Artists,” National Museum of History, Taipei
1982 “Three-Man Exhibition,” Spring Gallery, Taipei
1983 “Taipei Fine Arts Museum Opening Exhibition,” Taipei Fine Arts Museum
1984 “Difference in Space,” Spring Gallery, Taipei
1984 “New Form Art Center Opening Exhibition,” New Form Art Center, Taipei
1985 “Taipei Hsiung Shih Biennial Exhibition,” Hsiung Shih Gallery, Taipei
1985 “ Beyond Space,” Spring Gallery, Taipei
1986 “SOCA Studio Opening Exhibition,” SOCA Studio, Taipei
1986 “Contemporary Art Trend in the R.O.C., “Taipei Fine Arts Museum
1987 “Avant-Garde Installation Space,” Taipei Fine Arts Museum
1987 “Chinese Contemporary Paintings,” National Museum of History, Taipei
1988 “Time and Creation Exhibition” Taipei Fine Arts Museum”
1988 “Environment and Installations” Taiwan Museum of Arts, Taichung, Taiwan
1990 “Contemporary Artists Drawing Exhibition,” Cherng Pin Gallery, Taipei
1990 “IT Park Gallery Opening Exhibition,” IT Park Gallery, Taipei
1990 “Yung-Han Gallery Opening Exhibition,” Yung-Han Gallery, Taipei
1990 “Selected Exhibition of 300 Years of Taiwan Art Work,” Taiwan Museum of Art, Taichung
1990 “Up Art Gallery Opening Exhibition,” Up Art Gallery, Kaohsiung
1990 “Poems and the New Environment,” The Eslite VISION, Taipei
1991 “Twelve-Man Contemporary Paintings Exhibition,” Dimensions Art Gallery, Taipei
1991“Sorcery Exhibition,” IT Park Gallery, Taipei
1991“The Space between the Metaphysical and the Material,” Up Art Gallery, Kaohsiung
1991“Contemporary Art Trends in the R.O.C. 1991,” Leisure Art Center, Taipei
1991“Installation in the Eslite Book Store,” The Eslite Book Store, Taipei
1991“International Mail Art Exhibition,” IT Park Gallery
1992“Taiwania Gallery Opening Exhibition,” Taiwania Gallery. Taipei
1992“Beginning from the Object,” IT Park Gallery. Taipei
1992“The Taipei Biennial of Contemporary Art,” Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Taipei
1992“Environment & Art-16 Ideas of Rubbish Handing,” Taipei Municipal Culture Center, Taipei
1992“Banquet of Awareness- to Support the Buddhist Modern Zen Charity Sale Activity,” IT Park Gallery, Taipei
1992“Wearing the Symbol” IT Park Gallery, Taipei
1992“Art Expo,’ Sung-Shan Exhibition Hall, Taipei
1993“IT Kitsch – A gift of love,” IT Park Gallery, Taipei
1993“Culture of Gift Giving,” New Phase Art Space, Tainan
1993“Tsong Pu’, Lai Chun-Chun, Hul Kun-Jung,” Three-Man Exhibition, IT Park Gallery, Taipei
1993“The Subtropical Plant,” The Eslite Vision, Taipei, Galerie Pierre, Taichung
1993“Tradition and Creation,” Chinese Floral Arts Foundation, Taipei World Trade Center
1993“An Idea About Flowers,” IT Park Gallery, Taipei
1993“Stopping the World,” IT Park Gallery, Taipei
1994 “The Indescribable Unknown-The IT Park Fund Raising Exhibition,” IT Park Gallery, Taipei
1994 “Monochrome” Galerie Elegence, Taipei
1994 “Texture,” Number 2 Space, Taipei
1994 “Urban Nature,” The Dimension Art Foundation Gallery, Taipei
1994 “Wandering” IT Park, Taipei
1994 “Dialogue Between Creation and Material,” Home Gallery, Taipei
1995 “Transitional Site” IT Park Gallery, Taipei
1994“The Southern Way” Leisure Art Center, Taipei
1996 “:The Ceramic Group Exhibition- A Space not for the Chorus” Taipei County County Culture Center
1996“The Independent Declaration” Lin& Keng Gallery, Taipei
1996“Taipei Biennial: The Quest for Identity-Backyard Garden in Jun,” Taipei Fine Arts Museum
1996“Taipei Contemporary Art Exhibition” Shanghai City Arts Museum
1996“The Black Society” The Dimension Art Foundation Gallery, Taipei
1996“Journey to the East, the Installation of Group Exhibition” Hong Kong
1997 “The Opening Exhibition-Reconstructing the Chaotic” YiamTiam Art Center, Kaohsiung
1998 “Guile Uzi Paradise” International Sculpture Symposium
1998 “In the Back Yard of Taipei City: the Installation Exhibition Homeland
1998 “A Banquet: In Celebration of the Anniversary of Provincial Fine Arts Museum
1998 “A Month Darting Into A Flame,” Taiwan Museum of Art, Teaching, Taiwan
1998 “A Story of River Bed” Enlighten the Canal Tainan Culture Center, Tainan Taiwan
1999 “Magnetic Writing-Marching Ideas Works on Paper”, IT Park, Taipei
2000 “The Gravity of the Immaterial” Institute of Contemporary Art Taipei, Taipei
2000 “Encounter Over Seas” Physical Transplanting the Historical, Taiwan
2002 “Contemporary Art in Taiwan,” Hong-gah Museum, Taipei
2003 “My Name,” Ming Hsin University of Science & Technology, Hsinchu,
2003 “Discourses on Love: 64 Conversations in SARS’ Ear,” IT Park, Taipei
2003 “Soul Reconstruction, Part III-Joint Exhibition Celebrating Life”, Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Taipei, Taiwan
2004 “Artists Festival”, Huashan Arts District, Taipei, Taiwan
2010 “Variations of Geometric Abstraction in Taiwan's Contemporary Art” Eslite Gallery, Taipei

2013 "A Joint Exhibition by Five Artistson the Mountain - Coastal Lines" Lotus Art Gallery, Kaohsiumg

Awards & Honors

1984 “Contemporary Art Trends in the R.O.C.” Taipei Mayor’s Award, Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Taipei
1992 “The Taipei Biennial of Contemporary Art,” Taipei Fine Arts Museum
簡歷年表 Biography

1969 私立復興美工畢業
1973 入西班牙馬德里大學藝術學院
1978 西班牙馬德里大學藝術學院畢業
1981 回國定居


2012 「斜角上遇馬遠」大趨勢畫廊 台北
2012 「7,034,071,329之1」加力畫廊 台南
2012 「末日漂流」關渡美術館 台北
2011 「粼粼」財團法人榮嘉文化藝術基金會 新竹
2010 「疏遠的節奏」大趨勢畫廊 台北
2010 「莊普地下藝術展」台北市立美術館 台北
2008 「我討厭村上隆」伊通公園 台北
2008 「弱水三千,只取一瓢」大趨勢畫廊 台北
2005 「在遼闊的打呼聲中」伊通公園 台北
2004 「我看」二十號倉庫 台中
2001 「天旋地轉」原型藝術 台南
2001 「非常抱歉」伊通公園 台北
1999 「在線上」誠品畫廊 台北
1998 「元智大學個展 桃園
1997 「你就是那美麗的花朵」伊通公園 台北
1997 「個展1997」臻品藝術中心 台中
1995 「名字與倉庫」遊移美術館 竹圍工作室 台北
1993 「真愛不滅」伊通公園 台北
1991 「蠻荒原質」阿普畫廊 高雄
1990 「一棵樹 一塊岩石 一片雲」串門藝術空間 高雄
1990 「軀體與靈魂之空間」台北市立美術館 台北
1989 「一棵樹 一塊岩石 一片雲」高地畫廊 關卡 西班牙
1985 「邂逅後的誘惑」春之藝廊 台北/名門畫廊 台中
1983 「心靈與材質的邂逅」 春之藝廊 台北/三采藝術中心 台中


2009 普‧天‧同‧慶──莊普、吳天章雙個展 2009藝術北京當代藝術博覽 中國
2009 第一接觸──台北‧昆明‧香港當代藝術聯展 99藝術空間 昆明 中國
2008 Art is Alive──釜山雙年展 2008釜山當代藝術館 釜山 韓國
2006 巴黎首都藝術──聯合沙龍大展 巴黎大皇宮 法國
2006 PASS──名古屋藝術大學藝術與設計中心 名古屋 日本
2006 台灣美術發展1950~2000 中國美術館 北京 中國
2005 台灣現代藝術展 昆明市博物館 昆明 中國
2004 福爾摩沙台灣當代藝術展 帝歐席薩主教博物館 巴塞隆納 西班牙
2002 Chinese Ink Tree/無限的改變III 沙拉哥紗修道院 西班牙
2002 海洋錯合──歷史的物殖 婆仔屋藝術空間 澳門
2002 止──韓國光州雙年展 韓國光州美術館 韓國
2001 台北當代藝術展 上海現代美術館 中國
2000 文字的遊戲 水牛城大學藝術中心 美國
1999 複數元的視野/台灣當代美術1988~1999 北京美術館、上海美術館 中國
1998 巴黎今日大師與新秀大展──40週年特展 巴黎 法國
1998 國際雕塑創作營──你是盡頭 我是石頭 他是骨頭 桂林愚自樂園 中國
1998 內外翻轉/中國新藝術 PS1美術館 紐約/舊金山現代美術館 美國
1997 裂合與聚生 威尼斯雙年展 義大利
1996 中國旅程──兩岸三地裝置聯展 香港科技大樓 香港
1996 台北當代藝術展 上海市立美術館 中國
1995 台灣當代藝術展 澳洲巡迴展 澳洲
1994 台北現代畫展 曼谷國家畫廊 泰國
1994 台灣當代藝術展 横濱港邊畫廊 日本
1989 一棵樹 一塊岩石 一片雲 高地畫廊 關卡 西班牙
1989 台北訊息展 原美術館 日本
1987 中國當代繪畫展 漢城現代美術館 韓國
1986 國際現代藝術邀請展 橫濱 日本
1980 中日雙人展 桑坦德市旅遊文化局展覽廳 西班牙
1980 雙人展 沙拉哥紗布伊沙梭畫廊 西班牙
1979 全歐中國畫家藝術聯盟展 布魯塞爾金龍畫廊 比利時
1979 三人展 布斯根畫廊 西班牙
1979 三人展 馬德里藝術角畫廊 西班牙


2013 在地與他方的力量-台灣當代藝術的感性與座標,屏東美術館,屏東
2012 當空間成為事件|台灣,1980年代現代性部署,高雄市立美術館,高雄
2012 集合物語─藝術的日常遊戲,20號倉庫,台中
2010 台灣當代幾何抽象藝術的變奏,誠品畫廊,台北
2008 小甜心─伊通公園二十週年慶,伊通公園,台北
2008 抽象與材質的當代開拓,印象畫廊當代館,台北
2007 散步,伊通公園,台北
2007 形色版圖—顛覆與重建,大趨勢畫廊,台北
2006 世代.對話,印象畫廊當代館,台北
2006 台北二三觀點,台北市立美術館,台北
2005 關渡英雄誌,台北關渡美術館
2004 藝術家博覽會 台北 華山藝文特區
2003 愛在sars蔓延中 台北市立美術館
2003 64種愛的欲言─在SARS漫延的年代,伊通公園,台北
2003 裝置藝術展─我的名字 台北 明星科技大學
2002 台灣當代藝術 台北 鳳甲美術館
2002 一場要命的幻象 台北 伊通公園
2002 遠方的現實 台北 伊通公園
2001 輕且重的震撼─台北當代藝術館開幕展 台北當代藝術館
2001 航向新世紀 大趨勢 台北
2001 逸之森畫廊開幕展 台北
2000 千濤拍岸/台灣美術一百年 藝術學院關渡美術館 台北
1999 磁性書寫-念念之間紙上作品專題展 台北 伊通公園
1998 君自故鄉來 竹圍工作室
1998 台北後花園裝置藝術展/休息一下 馬上就來!
1998 台灣省立美術館十週年慶/夜焱圖-飛蛾撲火
1998 桂林愚自樂園/國際雕朔創作營-你是盡頭 我是石頭 他是骨頭
1998 台南文藝季/照亮運河-送給河流的一張床
1997 伊通公園台北市立美術館聯展 台北市立美術館
1997 混亂時代中的重結構 高雄鹽埕畫廊開幕聯展
1996 黑色繪 台北 帝門藝術中心
1996 台北市立美術館雙年展/六月裡的後花園 台北 市立美術館
1996 五月畫展/獨立宣言 台北 大未來畫廊
1996 陶藝聯展/不適於合唱的空間 台北縣立文化中心
1995 南方性格 台北 悠閒藝術中心
1995 位置 飛機場 台北 伊通公園
1994 材質與心靈的對話 台北 家畫廊
1994 漫無目的 台北 伊通公園
1994 都會中的自然 台北 帝門藝術基金會
1994 纖維 台北 二號公寓
1994 單色繪畫 台北 愛力根畫廊
1994 無可描述的未知 台北 伊通公園
1993 停頓世界/影像專題展 台北 伊通公園
1993 花姿招展/想花心比看花深 台北 伊通公園
1993 傳統與創新/中華花藝國際花卉展 台北世界貿易中心
1993 亞熱帶植物 台北 誠品藝文空間/台中 臻品藝術中心
1993 莊普 胡坤榮 賴純純三人展 台北 伊通公園
1993 送禮文化 台南 新生態藝術環境
1993 IT KITSCH 愛的禮物 台北 伊通公園
1992 藝術博覽會 台北 松山外貿協會
1992 把觀念穿在身上 台北 伊通公園
1992 支持佛教現代禪義賣活動 台北 伊通公園
1992 16種處理垃圾的想法/環境與藝術 台北縣立文化中心
1992 台北現代美術雙年展 台北市立美術館
1992 從物體開始 台北 伊通公園
1992 台灣泥雅畫廊開幕聯展
1991 巫展 台北 伊通公園
1991 國際郵遞藝術交流展 台北 伊通公園
1991 書店裡的裝置 台北 誠品書店
1991 91`台灣當代繪畫趨向 台北 悠閒藝術中心
1991 形上與物性之間---莊普 葉竹盛 黎志文三人展 高雄 阿普畫廊
1991 現代繪畫12人展 台北 帝門藝術中心
1990 詩與新環境 台北 誠品藝廊
1990 高雄阿普畫廊開幕聯展
1990 台灣美術300年作品 台中省立美術館
1990 永漢畫廊開幕聯展
1990 伊通公園開幕聯展
1990 當代畫家素描聯展 台北誠品畫廊
1988 媒體‧環境‧裝置 台中省立美術館
1988 莊普 曲德義雙人展 台北 誠品畫廊
1988 時代與創新 台北市立美術館
1987 中華民國當代繪畫聯展 台北國立歷史博物館
1987 行為與空間 台北市立美術館
1986 中國現代繪畫新展望 台北市立美術館
1986 環境‧裝置‧錄影 SOCA現代藝術工作室開幕聯展
1985 前衛‧裝置‧空間 台北市立美術館
1985 超度空間 台北 春之藝廊
1985 雄獅美術雙年展 台北 雄獅畫廊
1984 新象藝術中心開幕聯展
1984 異度空間 台北 春之藝廊
1983 台北市立美術館開幕聯展
1982 陳世明 程延平 莊普三人展 台北 春之藝廊
1979 當代海外藝術家聯展 台北歷史博物館


2009 伊通公園獲得第十三屆台北文化獎 台北市政府文化局
2007 第一屆公共藝術獎 最佳創意表現獎 行政院文化建設委員會
1992 台北現代美術雙年展獎 台北市立美術館
1984 中國現代繪畫新展望台北市長獎 台北市立美術館


2008 「光隙」台北捷運 南港展覽館站
2006 「科學家說」國家奈米元件實驗室
2005 「五張河床」台北市內湖區台北市政府環境保護局修車廠暨資源回收站
2005 「歷史之梯」台中縣清水鎮清水服務區
2004 「速度的藝術」台灣大學體育館 室內組
2004 「有逗點、句點的風景」南港軟體園區
2004 「藝術家說」台北藝術大學 關渡美術館
2003 「世界之環」台北101國際金融中心
2003 「飲水思源」內湖汙水處理廠
1998 「輕鬆的雲、走路的樂」台北捷運 中正紀念堂站


2009 國立台灣美術館
2000 高雄市立美術館
1998 國立台灣美術館
1994 日本横濱港邊畫廊
1992 台北市立美術館
1989 日本原美術館
1984 台北市立美術館

My era: influenced by the atmosphere of late 70s’ conceptual art.

My way of expression: substituting the brush with a 1cm by 1cm chop to express color and content.

With the process of continuously stamping,

The canvas and I are brought closer to each other.

Minute after minute, the painting is taking shape with a steady heartbeat, mechanical, and repetitive motion.

The simple colors and shapes almost make the painting monochromatic.

Within the finished work, materials that emphasis natural light sources emerge.

This is an exploration of the depths of the universe.

Not choosing to use techniques of painting to create an “image,” rather, a process of “rubbing, reflecting, and echoing” is continuously repeated to “seal” and “confirm” the message.

Within the messages, a non-image-like cognitive meaning is conveyed.

Non-uniformity still exists.

Each stamp on the canvas has a minute variance.

Maybe, the repeating motion of “stamping” still contains a “consciousness.”

This self-projection of existence manifests in the form of subtle variations in stamping to create patterns in brightness, light to dark and dark to light.

Art from the Underground: Tsong Pu Solo Exhibition
May 22 to August 8, 2010
Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Galleries D, E and F

Tsong Pu has been active on the Taiwanese art stage since the early 1980s, becoming one of the island's senior-generation contemporary artists of today. Soon after he was born in Shanghai in 1947, he and his family moved around before ultimately settling in Taiwan. In his early years, Tsong Pu exhibited boundless enthusiasm for the idealistic world of art, especially European and American Abstract Expressionism. Armed with new concepts and different media, Tsong Pu returned from Spain in 1983 to hold his solo exhibition A Meeting of Mind and Materialat the Spring Gallery. His paintings for this exhibition were truly unprecedented, breaking with established rules of traditional painting, including perspective drawing, primacy of technique and fixed compositions. Simply put, Tsong Pu was not satisfied with these entrenched forms, and so, drawing inspiration from his immediate environment, he deployed his creativity and keen visual sensibility on an inexhaustible array of materials to explore new possibilities in painting.

In 1984, Tsong Pu was awarded the Taipei Fine Arts Museum sponsored Contemporary Art Trends in the R.O.C Exhibition. This significance of this award cannot be overstated, as it affirmed the excellence of avant-garde art, served as an index of progress for Taiwan's contemporary art world, and demonstrated that Tsong Pu's artistic evolution was closely aligned with that of the museum's. For a 1996 installation entitled You are the Beautiful Flower, Tsong Pu arranged sketches, canvasses painted with grid patterns, aluminum boards and ready-made objects, such as scissors, hammers, shovels, wrenches, stones and levels, on a large wall in the exhibition venue. The rich dialog which ensued positioned his grid patterns between painting and three-dimensional space, and presented his nomadic spirit in a process of seeking enlightenment from the common objects of everyday life.

Tsong Pu composes his abstract paintings using rational thinking, yet the work's expressive results are richly poetic and replete with progressive Utopian ideals. With his grids he expands the spiritual space of the exhibition venue, wandering between installation and painting, staying close to the patterns seen all around, and avoiding interference from concrete imagery at all costs. This prompts connections between viewers' abstract thinking and the artwork, and in this way establishes resonance. Since the 1980s, Tsong Pu has been developing his grid pattern painting style in works such as A Meeting of Mind and Material; Name and Warehouse; You Are the Beautiful Flower; Square White; Square Isn't Square, Circle Isn't Round, Time Doesn't Pass; and Thirteen Relativities between Two Squares in the Dark. The depth and breath of change in his work over the years is difficult to quantify, as he has indefatigably kept at his project of expanding the expressive potential of the grid, all the while deriving from it a boundless vitality. This exhibition includes over one hundred of Tsong Pu's works from each of his creative periods over the last thirty years, presenting a comprehensive account of the artist's visual language through sketches, paintings and installations from as early as 1978 to his most recent work.


莊普青少年時期,對藝術的理想世界充滿無比的熱情,尤其賞識橫掃歐美藝壇的「抽象表現主義」。 1983年,莊普從西班牙學成返台,以創新觀念和媒材變化的作品,








從八O年代,莊普的〈心靈與材質邂逅〉、〈 名字與倉庫〉、〈你就是那美麗的花朵〉,到近期的〈方開白〉、〈方塊不方 圓圈不圓 時間不逝〉、〈黑色相對十三論〉等作品,

